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The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce aims to increase student achievement through improving language and literacy outcomes for all students. A successful language and literacy framework is one built on:

  • educator capacity
  • shared leadership
  • multi-tiered systems of support
  • family partnerships
  • community collaboration


The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce's  Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement calls for schools to develop a literacy framework and encourages all educators to promote language and literacy development across all ages, grades, and subject areas.

Third Grade Reading Guarantee Promotion Criteria for 2024-2025 school year

Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year and each year thereafter, any student who scores proficient (700 or higher) on the English language arts scaled score will be eligible for promotion to fourth grade at the end of the school year.

In addition, the reading subscore alternative assessment score for Ohio’s State Test for grade 3 English language arts is 50 for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond. Any student who scores 50 or higher on the reading subscore will be eligible for promotion to fourth grade at the end of the school year, even if the student scores below 700 on Ohio’s State Test for grade 3 English language arts.

Direct questions about these changes or the Third Grade Reading Guarantee to and click the image below to see the updated guidance manual.



Ohio Literacy Resources


READOHIO Literacy Academy