Dyslexia Supports
The 133rd Ohio General Assembly passed legislation concerning the screening of and intervention for children with dyslexia, effective April 12, 2021. Ohio’s dyslexia support laws (ORC 3323.25, 3323.251, 3319.077 and 3319.078) established requirements for the formation of the Ohio Dyslexia Committee, teacher professional development for identifying dyslexia and instructing students with dyslexia, dyslexia screening measures and a structured literacy certification process for teachers.
The primary charge of the Ohio Dyslexia Committee was to develop the Ohio Dyslexia Guidebook (linked below), regarding the recommended best practices and methods for universal screening, intervention and remediation for children with dyslexia or children displaying dyslexic characteristics and tendencies using a structured literacy program, as required by Ohio’s dyslexia support laws (ORC 3323.25). The guidebook outlines several recommended best practices to consider when implementing the legal requirements of screening, intervention and remediation.
Please reach out to speak with State Support Team 16's Literacy Consultant to learn more about how we can support implementation of Ohio's Dyslexia Support Laws.